
Sunday, 6 April 2014

Part B - Assessment Item 1 ETL503

Part B – Assessment Item 1 ETL 503

Teacher librarians are responsible for selecting resources to support the learning needs of students, support the learning curriculum and to enhance the collection of quality resources in the library.  In order to develop a learner centred collection of resources, a resource selection criteria is required.  Hughes-Hassell and Mancall (2005) recommend that the resources match learner characteristics and that the teacher-learner context is addressed; the appropriateness, the level of detail and purpose, and the presentation of the resource become more important than its literary value.  The selection criteria used to select resources for the Year 2 Science Unit employed a combination of Hughes-Hassell and Mancall’s Decision Making Model (Hughes-Hassell & Mancall, 2005, p. 34) and the Learner Centred Selection Criteria (Hughes-Hassell & Mancall, 2005, p. 46), with a greater focus on appropriateness and treatment, see Table 1.   All resources chosen meet the Broad Selection Criteria as outlined by the South Australian Department of Education and Children’s Services (2004). The specific curriculum guideline of an Indigenous perspective of the unit is included and the chosen websites meet Schrock’s (2001-2009) 5 W’s of Website Evaluation. 
There is a myriad of selection aids available to assist with the selection of excellent resources.  The selection aids I have chosen to use include SCiS (SCiS Catalogue, 2014), teacher and colleague recommendation, our school library collection, the Brisbane City Council libraries, Google (Google, 2014) and Scootle (Scootle, 2014) – the Australian online resource-sharing network.  Each resource was located for borrowing, purchasing or viewing purposes.  Most of the resources chosen were freely available online or were inexpensive to purchase using an online retailer.

Table 1
General Criteria
Addresses Information Needs
Does the resource provide the information students are looking for?  Is the content appropriate?  Will the learners be interested?
Matches Learner Characteristics
Is the resource suitable for Year 2 students?  Does the resource match students’ learning styles, ethnic and cultural backgrounds?
Does it match the developmental learning level of students?

Is the style of presentation appropriate for the subject matter and will it appeal to my learners? Will the appearance of the resource encourage students to engage with it?
Does the resource meet

Does the resource clearly detail its purpose?  Is the information/material up to date and accurate?  Does the creator cite credible sources, specialists or experts?
Fits Teaching Learning Context
Does the resource meet the educational philosophy of the school community and support the learning curriculum?  Does the resource meet the cultural needs of the school?  Does the resource provide alternate perspectives on relevant issues?
Consistent with Current Knowledge Base
Does the resource provide information that is consistent with current learning?
Comparison with other works
How might this resource be used?  How does this resource compare with others in the same genre and format on the same subject?

The school library has a considerable number of resources available for this unit.  The Year 2 Science budget is $150:00 for the year.
Specific Criteria
Does the website meet Schrock’s 5W’s for website evaluation?
Indigenous Perspective
Does the resource respectfully include the perspective of Australia’s Indigenous communities?
(Hughes-Hassell and Mancall, 2005) (Schrock, 2001-2009)

 Resource 1

Hewitt, S. (2011) Using Water.  London, UK: Franklin Watts.

“Using Water” by Sally Hewitt (2011), is a juvenile picture book, designed to show students how important clean water is to humans.  “Using Water” was chosen as a “read aloud” resource whereby the teacher could show pictures and share facts about water as one of Earth’s most valued resources.
In accordance with the selection criteria chosen, “Using Water” matches the learning needs of Year 2 students and matches the learner characteristics of visual learning (Hughes-Hassell & Mancall, 2005).  The picture book format is appropriate and in line with the Decision–Making Model (Hughes-Hassell & Mancall, 2005) of resource collection where the treatment of the resource plays an important role.  The picture book format provides an opportunity for students to read independently or be read to with a high level of interest. 
The information is current, with the publishing date of the book 2011.
Besides the colourful, relevant photographs in the book, the global perspective of the importance of water provides the teacher with an opportunity to introduce global water issues as well as those issues closer to home.
Sally Hewitt is a qualified teacher with experience in Primary Science.  She is a well-known science resource author. 
“Using Water” was located in our school library catalogue.  It is a well-used resource, as it supports the outcomes of the Australian Curriculum Science unit selected. 

 Resource 2

Crocombe, A. (2008). Water Supply. Port Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Echidna.

“Water Supply” by Angela Crocombe (2008) is an Australian juvenile non-fiction picture book that directly addresses water supply issues in Australia.  The book investigates ways that we can conserve water and ways of not wasting water in our homes and in our schools.  This resource addresses the information needs of Year 2 students with appropriate and interesting content, matching their visual learning style.  Bright pictures and clearly organised, easily understood information, engage students as they are either read to or they read the book themselves. 
“Water Supply” provides information that is consistent with current learning and while it is similar to other resources already in our school library, its Australian based information makes it a more relevant resource.
This resource was chosen through a topic search on the SCiS Catalogue (SCiS Catalogue, 2014).  The book was then located on Google Books (Google Books, 2014) and I was able to see a sample of the pages and the information included.  At this time, the book is not available for purchase, but can be borrowed from one of the Brisbane City Council Libraries.

 Resource 3

NeoK12. (2009-2014). Water Cycle. Retrieved March 21st, 2014, from NeoK12 Educational Videos, Lessons and Games for K-12 Kids: (2009-2014) is a US based Educational video, lesson and games website for school students that guarantees being a “kid safe” website.  It is very similar to Scootle, except it is used more as a resource rather than a selection aid. The people at believe that kids learn best when they see how things work.
This website was chosen as a teacher resource and, with teacher demonstration, it meets the information needs of the Year 2 students. has water-cycle animations and water cycle songs that the students in Year 2 will enjoy watching and singing along to.  You are able to use some of the links on the website for free or you can purchase an annual subscription, for $34.95, which allows the class teacher access to a wide range of appropriate games and puzzles.  Much like Scootle (2014), you can add these to your own dashboard for ease of access.  As a guest, you have limited access to the resources. The water cycle songs are catchy and the animation clearly explains the water cycle for students in a clear, learning centred way. 
This website was recommended by a colleague, who has used animations from the site for an older grade.  The website is easy to navigate, and passes Schrock's 5 W’s Website Evaluation (2001-2009). 
This is a resource for the teacher to use with the students to complement their learning. This is not a website for students to go searching for information by themselves.

 Resource 4

Education Services Australia. (2014, January 28). Water as a Resource. Retrieved March 21st, 2014, from

“Water as a Resource” (Education Services Australia, 2014) is a learning path created using Scootle (Scootle, 2014).
Scootle is a national professional learning network that connects teachers throughout Australia.  Scootle contains more than 7000 items of digital curriculum from the Le@rning Federation, a Federal Government education initiative. 
“Water as a Resource” combines a series of water management activities from around the home for students to complete and an animation for students to view. 
The activities selected in the learning path address the learning needs of Year 2.  The students are interested in water usage around the home, around their school and enjoy learning information that is directly related to them.  Web-based activities match the learner characteristics of students in Year 2 and the premise of each of the included games matches the current knowledge base of the Year 2 students. The appearance of the resource and the style in which the games are presented, appeal to Year 2 students.  The games have audio instructions; allowing for some differentiation and for students to work independently.
Scootle is an excellent selection aid where teachers can locate suitable resources for their chosen curriculum unit.  It is user friendly and allows the teacher to share their ideas and learning paths with students as well as other Scootle users.  One of the downsides to using Scootle is that it takes time to go through the resources and evaluate and choose appropriate, accurate and relevant resources.  One of the big upsides is, that once students are given their learning path pin number, they can complete learning activities independently.

 Resource 5

Cole, J. (2000). The Magic School Bus - Wet All Over. (Scholastic, Producer) Retrieved March 21st, 2014, from You Tube:

The Magic School Bus (Cole, 2000) is an award winning book and animated children’s science-based television series.  “Wet All Over” (Cole, 2000) meets the information needs of Year 2 through a visual learning experience and it is presented in a way that will appeal to young learners.  Students are invited to “hop aboard with Ms. Friz” (Cole, 2000; YouTube, 2014) and her class to go on an excursion to a seemingly impossible location.  The beginning of this episode sees everyone aboard the magic school bus jump into a water droplet to begin his or her journey.
 The Magic School Bus matches the developmental and learner characteristics of Year 2 where students are curious about the world around them and how things work.  The animated presentation of the series is engaging and informative.  As the series is science based, there is a certain level of accuracy and creativity combined to keep students interested.  Presenting scientific facts to students in this form stimulates their learning and students are highly likely to be able to recall the information presented at a later date.  The Magic School Bus is supported by a picture book and there are activity sheets that can be accessed online.  This resource was located using SCiS (2014) with water conservation and video recordings as the search terms and search filter.  SCiS (2014) is user friendly, but there is not enough information on the website about the resources, particularly older ones although there are links to the side of the page where further information can be found.  “Wet All Over” was located on YouTube (YouTube, 2014)for viewing and is held at the Brisbane City Council for borrowing.   

Resource 6

Department of Natural Resources and Mines. (2013, March). Water: Learn it for Life! Retrieved March 23, 2014, from Queensland Government:

The Queensland Government Department of Natural Resources and Mines (2013), has developed a water conservation teaching resource for primary schools.
The Year 2 Unit is called “Water: Learn it For Life - The Wonder of Water” (Department of Natural Resources and Mines, 2013).  This particular resource is a whole unit of work that is directly aligned with the Australian Curriculum. It can be followed lesson by lesson over a term or, parts of the unit can be used to complement an already existing unit of work.  “Water: Learn it for Life” (2013) is a teaching resource that provides hands on activities and experiments for students to actively participate in and discover the information they are looking for.  Year 2 students enthusiastically participate in hands on activities, matching their developmental hands on learning style.  “Water: Learn it for Life” is clearly organised and will appeal to teachers looking for practical activities.  This resource also fits the teaching – learning context and is consistent with the current knowledge base. Compared to other similar resources, “Water: Learn it for Life” is exceptional because it incorporates an Indigenous perspective and investigates the water issues affecting Australian, and particularly Queensland, farmers.  Because I was searching for Queensland specific resources, Google (Google, 2014) was chosen as the selection aid.  The search the term used was  “water conservation for kids Queensland”.  It was easy to find location specific resources using Google and including ‘kids’ in the search terms assisted in locating appropriate and relevant results.

Resource 7

Oxfam. (n.d.). Oxfam Education Water For All. Retrieved March 22, 2014, from Oxfam Education:

“Water For All” (Oxfam, 2014) is a website that provides users with a global perspective of water in the world and the value of water around the globe.  This website is a teacher resource that the classroom teacher can use to show students what is happening around the world in regard to water. The content of the website is too old for Year 2 students to use independently, however, with the guidance of the classroom teacher, there are some excellent concepts that Year 2 can explore and fantastic thought provoking photographs to view.  The website meets the learner characteristics of Year 2 students who are open to new ideas and technology.  The information is accurate, and the website is updated regularly by Oxfam.  The website has too much information on its Home Page, therefore requiring an adult to help Year 2 navigate.  “Water for All” meets Schrock’s (2001-2009)5 W’s of Website Evaluation, satisfying the who, what, when, where and why.  See Table 2.
The website was found using SCiS (SCiS Catalogue, 2014).  The SCiS catalogue worked well for this resource.  One of the positives of the SCiS catalogue is the use of the icons on the left side of the catalogued resources, which highlights the variety of resources available on the catalogue.

Table 2                                                                                                                                 (Schrock, 2001-2009
5 W’s of Website Evaluation
Who wrote the pages and are they an expert? Is a biography of the author included? How can I find out more about the author?
What does the author say is the purpose of the site? What else might the author have in mind for the site? What makes the site easy to use?
What information is included and does this information differ from other sites?
When was the site created? When was the site last updated?
Where does the information come from? Where can I look to find out more about the sponsor of the site?
Why is this information useful for my purpose? Why should I use this information?
Why is this page better than another?

Resource 8

Australian Academy of Science. (2012). Water Works. Canberra, ACT, Australia: Australian Academy of Science.

Primary Connections (Australian Academy of Science, 2013) is a program developed by the Australian Academy of Science, linking the teaching of science to the teaching of literacy in primary schools.  The program provides teaching units with exemplary teaching resources that are linked to the Australian Curriculum (ACARA, 2010).
“Water Works” (Australian Academy of Science, 2012) is the name of the Primary Connections Year 2 Science unit.  This unit of work addresses the learning needs of the Year 2 students, providing stimulating activities and excellent supporting resources to teach students about water usage in our world.  It fits the teacher learner context, is consistent with the current knowledge base of Year 2 students and with its availability on Scootle (Scootle, 2014), falls well within the Year 2 science resource budget.  The advantage of using this unit as a resource is that it presents an Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander perspective of water and its uses in Indigenous cultures, fulfilling the requirements of the Australian Curriculum.
The Primary Connections program is usually a whole-school approach to teaching science and literacy.  There are professional development opportunities for teachers to participate in to build teacher confidence and to improve student-learning outcomes (Australian Academy of Science, 2013).  “Water Works” (2012)is an outstanding teacher resource with excellent activities for students to participate in.  The activities and experiments will engage and excite Year 2 learners, encouraging them to become critical thinkers and confident participants. 
The program as a whole is available for purchase, as are individual units.  Individual units are also available in their entirety on Scootle (2014), which is free. 

Resource 9

Roennfeldt, R. (1980). Tiddalick The Frog Who Caused A Flood. Ringwood, Victoria, Australia: Picture Puffin.

“Tiddalick, the big green frog, spends all day, sitting on a log…” (Maddern, 1982)
“Tiddalick” (Roennfeldt, 1980) has been a staple in Australian school libraries for many years and for more than 30 years, Australian school children have been singing about “Tiddalick” as well.
“Tiddalick” is an Aboriginal legend that explores the Indigenous explanation of drought and flood and how important water is for our survival through a Dreamtime story.   Tiddalick is highly appropriate for students in Year 2.  It is a juvenile picture book providing opportunities for the teacher to read aloud to the students, matching the visual learning characteristics of the students in Year 2.  Reading “Tiddalick” will also promote discussion about drought and its effects on our land and, provide an opportunity for students to look at the book during independent reading times throughout the school day. “Tiddalick” (1980) fulfills the inclusive educational philosophy of our school, providing an Indigenous perspective and encouraging students to engage in a story telling experience.  “Tiddalick” was found using our school library catalogue and it includes a large format picture book as well.  There are also animated versions of the story to view on YouTube (YouTube, 2014).

Resource 10
Strauss, R. (2007). One Well. Sydney, NSW, Australia: ABC Books
 “One Well” (Strauss, 2007) is the story of water on earth.  The author provides an outstanding description of the water cycle, explaining that there has always been the same amount of water on earth and that the water we use today has been recycled over millions of years.  Through captivating illustrations and engaging information, this resource addresses the learning needs of Year 2, informing them that the world needs water if we are going to survive.  As the population on earth increases, water will become an increasingly important global issue and the information included in the book is accurate and it continues highlighting the message of water saving and water conservation.  “One Well” supports the Australian Curriculum (ACARA, 2010) through its content and by encouraging students to become critical and creative thinkers.
The Librarian at our City Council Library recommended “One Well” as an exceptional resource.  She has an excellent working knowledge of the resources available in the library and their popularity with borrowers.  She is an excellent selection aid, as in this case; she has a thorough knowledge of the resources available in the library.  “One Well” is available for borrowing through the library and for easy purchase through a variety of online bookstores as well as through educational catalogues.


·      ACARA. (2010). The Australian Curriculum. Retrieved March 20, 2014,
from The Australian Curriculum:

·      Australian Academy of Science. (2013). Primary Connections/about.
Retrieved March 23rd, 2014, from Primary Connections:

·      Australian Academy of Science. (2012). Water Works. Canberra, ACT,
Australia: Australian Academy of Science.

·      Cole, J. (2000). The Magic School Bus - Wet All Over. (Scholastic, Producer)
Retrieved March 21st, 2014, from You Tube:

·      Crocombe, A. (2008). Water Supply. Port Melbourne, Victoria, Australia:

·      Department of Education and Children's Services. Government of South
Australia. (2004). Choosing and using teaching and learning materials. Guidelines for preschools and schools. Retrieved March 30, 2014, from Government of South Australia:

·      Department of Natural Resources and Mines. (2013, March). Water: Learn
it for Life! Retrieved March 23, 2014, from Queensland Government:

·      Education Services Australia. (2014, January 28). Water as a Resource.
Retrieved March 21st, 2014, from

·      Google Books. (2014). Google Books. Retrieved March 25, 2014, from

·      Google. (2014). Google. Retrieved 2014, from

·      Hewitt, S. (2011). Using Water. London, UK: Franklin Watts.

·      Hughes-Hassell, S. and Mancall, J. (2005). Collection Managementfor
Youth: Responding to the Needs of Learners. ALA Editions.

·      Maddern, E. (1982). Tiddalick. Adnyamathanha Song Book . Port Augusta,
SA, Australia.

·      NeoK12. (2009-2014). Water Cycle. Retrieved March 21st, 2014, from
NeoK12 Educational Videos, Lessons and Games for K-12 Kids:

·      Oxfam. (2014). Oxfam Education Water For All. Retrieved March 22, 2014,

·      Roennfeldt, R. (1980). Tiddalick The Frog Who Caused A Flood. Ringwood,
Victoria, Australia: Picture Puffin.

·      Schrock, K. (2001-2009, October 7). Information Literacy Resources.
Retrieved March 23, 2014, from Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything:

·      SCiS Catalogue. (2014). SCiSWeb. Retrieved March 21, 2014, from Schools
Catalogue Information Service:

·      Scootle. (2014). Scootle. Retrieved from

·      Strauss, R. (2007). One Well. Sydney, NSW, Australia: ABC Books.

·      YouTube. (2014). Retrieved March 25, 2014, from YouTube:

·      YouTube. (2014). Tiddalik. Retrieved March 26, 2014, from YouTube:

·      YouTube. (2014). What Made Tiddalik Laugh. Retrieved March 26, 2014,